Choy Lee Fut 蔡李佛 is one of the most popular Kung Fu styles today. Originated in a small village (San Wui 新會) from south China in the XIX century, its roots traces back to Shaolin Temple 少林寺. Chan Heung 陳享, its founder, learned and merged three systems he studied from his masters, who had learned their systems at the Shaolin temple, being the last teacher, Choy Fu 蔡褔, a resident monk from the famous temple. After years of training and after finishing his studies, Chan Heung elaborated one of the most complete Chinese martial arts we can find, which was even improved by the following master’s generations.
The system was taught and transmitted to students, disciples, and direct descendants. The oldest son, according to the tradition, was responsible to receive all the system and pass it down to the next generation. And from generation to generation it came to the present day with multiple variations, each one as important and powerfully as any other one.
The Choy Lee Fut lineage you will learn at this portal descended directly from the founder family keepers. I received most of my Choy Lee Fut knowledge from the great-grandson of the founder, master Chan Wing Faat 陳永發, who belongs to the family 5th generation. I also have complimented my teachings with other masters, so I could say all my acquirements are related to the 3rd Choy Lee Fut generation, master Chan Yiu Chi 陳耀墀. This master, who lived from 1892 to 1965, was, in fact, one of the most famous masters of the entire history of this Kung Fu system. He completely restructured and reorganized all his father inherited knowledge, and today, all the schools that derive from him, despite their small differences, have features that distinguish them from other older lineages.
The Choy Lee Fut is a very unique and eclectic system, with many fists and weapons forms, Kum Na 擒拿 (join locks techniques), wooden dummies, fighting drills, Lion and Dragon dances, and a very famous Chi Kung 气功 methodology known as Lo Hon Hei Gung 气功罗汉 (in Cantonese) or Luohan Chi Kung. It is a self-defense system and fighting methodology and at the same time a tremendous fitness activity, improving your stamina and health, strengthening your body and mind.